JSC “Sakrusenergo” invites you to participate in the price survey (competition) procedure
(Purchase object: crown detection device on power transmission lines of JSC GE “Sakrusenergo”)
Tbilisi, October 10, 2019.
JSC “Sakrusenergo”, hereinafter “Purchaser”, owns the funds for the purchase of the indicated goods. These funds will be used to secure a purchase agreement resulting from this procedure. The “purchaser” is responsible for the implementation of the mentioned procedure in accordance with the established procedure, is authorized to select the invited persons, evaluate their applications and sign the purchase agreement with him no later than 10 days after the winner is identified.
Based on the above, “The Purchaser” invites you to participate in the price inquiry (competition) procedure and please submit your application according to the following documents and forms:
a) application for participation (form No. 2);
b) information on technical compliance, prices and delivery schedule (form No. 3);
c) together with the tender application, the supplier must present a guarantee letter of the manufacturing enterprise, according to which the manufacturing plant-manufacturer undertakes to supply to the bidder, taking into account the conditions specified in the tender documentation, the goods intended for JSC GE “Sakrusenergo”, specified by the purchase object (indicating the quantity of the goods and the delivery period ), and if necessary, by providing retraining and training courses for the “buyer’s” personnel.
d) The payment will be made within 10 calendar days after the delivery of the goods and the signing of the relevant acceptance-handover act, advance payment is also allowed.
e) within 10 banking days, the bidder must submit information about the request for the amount to be paid in advance (advance). In case of an advance request, the supplier is obliged to present a bank guarantee (guarantee issued by an insurance company is not accepted) for the corresponding amount of the requested advance, the validity period of which should be 90 (ninety) calendar days longer than the expiration date of the goods.
f) After signing the contract, the supplier is obliged to provide a bank guarantee for the performance of the contract within 10 banking days, in the amount of 3.5% of the contract value (the guarantee issued by the insurance company is not accepted), the validity period of which must exceed 90 (ninety) calendar days after the delivery of the goods deadline.
g) The bidder must meet the following criteria and must submit the requested information and supporting documentation:
Notice that no debt is accrued to the budget;
Notice that the property has not been seized;
notice that the company is not being liquidated or reorganized;
Only those proposals that comply with the requirements defined in the technical assignment and the monetary parameters for the procurement are subject to evaluation.
The application should be submitted in a sealed envelope to the following address:
St. Mark Bronstein №1, Chancellery of JSC “Sakrusenergo”, Tbilisi.
Application deadline is: October 17, 2019, 4:00 p.m.
Applications submitted after the mentioned deadline will not be considered.
Applications will be evaluated in 2019. on October 17 at the following address: St. Mark Bronstein’s No. 1, JSC Sakrusenergo, Tbilisi.
The application must be submitted in the Georgian language to the address specified in point 3.
Prices must be offered in national currency, including VAT (offers submitted in other currencies will not be considered);
Delivery is made in accordance with the information provided about prices and delivery schedules.
The application is valid for 30 calendar days from the date of its submission.
The evaluation of the received application is carried out according to the form “Technical Compliance, Pricing and Delivery Schedule”. An application that does not comply with the conditions mentioned in point 2 and the monetary parameter determined for the purchase will be rejected as inconsistent with the requirements developed for the price inquiry (competition) procedure.
11 will be considered as the winner and the procurement contract will be concluded between the procuring organization and the bidder who submitted the lowest price and which meets the requirements of the procuring organization.
The price of the goods must include all costs of the supplier, including VAT.
For more information, please contact us. 595 00 33 33 – 5 95 95 70 70