JSC “Sakrusenergo” invites you to participate in the price survey (competition) procedure
Tbilisi, July 10, 2013
Purchase object:
1) Lot – 2 off-road trucks.
2) Lot – high off-road truck with its own crane (highap type) and winch.
3) Lot – passenger truck (so-called Vakhta) 2 pieces.
4) Lot – 1 piece semi-trailer on board.
Note, each lot is considered as an independent procurement object and therefore it is allowed to submit a proposal for each lot separately.
“Purchaser” owns the funds for the purchase of the indicated goods in 2013. These funds will be used to ensure the performance of the purchase agreement concluded as a result of this procedure. The buyer is responsible for carrying out the mentioned procedure in accordance with the established procedure, is authorized to select invited persons, evaluate their applications and conclude a purchase agreement with him no later than 20 days after the winner is identified.
2. Based on the above, the buyer invites you to participate in the price inquiry (competition) procedure and please submit your application according to the following documents and forms:
a) application for participation (form N2);
b) information on technical compliance (form N3);
c) information on prices and delivery schedule (form N4);
d) Advance payment is allowed. In case of an advance request, the supplier will be obliged to provide a bank guarantee of the requested amount.
See JSC GE “Sakrusenergo” official website: www.srenergo.ge
3. The application should be submitted to the following address:
St. Tbilisi Marshall Gelovani N2 Chancellery of JSC “Sakrusenergo”.
4. The application deadline is June 16, 2013 at 6 p.m.
The application submitted after the expiry of the mentioned term will not be considered.
5. Applications will be evaluated on June 16, 2013. at the following address: St. Tbilisi Marshal Gelovani N2 JSC “Sakrusenergo”.
6. The application must be submitted in Georgian to the address indicated in point 3.
7. Prices should be offered in national currency and/or they will be converted in accordance with the exchange rate established by the National Bank at the time of consideration of proposals;
8. Delivery must be carried out in accordance with the “Statement of Prices and Delivery Schedule”.
9. The application is valid for at least 30 calendar days from the date of its submission.
10. Evaluation of the received application is carried out according to the “Technical Compliance” and “Price and Delivery Schedule” forms. An application that does not meet the conditions mentioned in point 2 will be rejected as inconsistent with the requirements specified in the invitation sent to the participant in the price survey (competition) procedure.
11 will be considered the winner and a contract will be concluded between the procuring organization and the supplier that submitted the lowest price and that meets the requirements of the procuring organization.
Contact person – Davit Burjanadze T. 595 95 70 70